Going Rogue — The Blog
AUDIO: The Danger of Outdated Thinking – Part 2
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: The Danger of Outdated Thinking – Part 2
The Danger of Outdated Thinking – Part 2
In February 2022, I posted a message titled “The Danger of Outdated Thinking” about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In that post, I noted this:
AUDIO: Muted Voices
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: Muted Voices
Muted Voices
There is a lot of frustration for women who work to be heard but instead are ignored, diminished, and dismissed. There are times it feels like our volume isn’t on and we are perpetually on mute.
AUDIO: Showing Appreciation
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: Showing Appreciation.
Showing Appreciation
When people help out, it’s usually because they want to and choose to help. Most of us don’t expect a plaque, trophy, certificate, or anything other than a “thank you.” Okay, maybe a hearty thanks with a handshake. We all want to be recognized for what we do and contribute, but that is not what necessarily motivates us to help.
Making Peace
Making anything takes effort whether you are making a meal or making furniture. Making peace is a lot harder than it looks and falls into that category of “easier said than done.” When two parties are in serious disagreement, it can feel like a war, full of bad feelings, fighting for influence and resources, and developing a stubbornness from not wanting to yield your position.
AUDIO: Happy Fifth Anniversary Rogue Tulips Consulting!
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: Happy Fifth Anniversary Rogue Tulips Consulting!
Happy Fifth Anniversary Rogue Tulips Consulting!
This is a year of milestones for me professionally as I noted in a message earlier this year (“Musings on Milestones”). On September 18, 2018, I filed the incorporation papers to form Rogue Tulips LLC. The public name for marketing has evolved over the years from Rogue Tulips LLC to Rogue Tulips Nonprofit Consulting & Association Management Services, to our much shorter and easier to say name Rogue Tulips Consulting.
AUDIO: Cognitive Dissidents
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: Cognitive Dissidents
Cognitive Dissidents
Our contentious world of emotional arguments and baseless data and emotionally charged accusations makes it seem impossible to get back to the world of civil discourse and debate. Remember when two intelligent people could disagree about an issue, share their positions, ask each other questions, and then go out for a drink? While those days may seem long gone, I saw a glimmer of hope this week that all is not lost.
AUDIO: Thoughts on the CAE Registered Provider Program
It's this week's Rogue Speak message in audio format! I share more thoughts on the new CAE Registered Provider program. What do you think?
Thoughts on the CAE Registered Provider Program
In my message of July 27 (“The Ethics of Competition”) I shared my thoughts about my past participation as a CAE Approved Provider in the previous program and why I thought it was important to be part of it. At the time I joined the previous CAE Provider program, I was excited about the step towards requiring ethics education for CAEs. In that message, I also shared my concerns about the new program.
AUDIO: Nonprofit Management: The Lost Profession
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter, "Rogue Speak." This week's topic “Nonprofit Management: The Lost Profession”.
Nonprofit Management: The Lost Profession
As I see all the postings on social media and online communities about my colleagues and fellow nonprofit management professionals heading off to the 2023 ASAE Annual, I am sorry that I won’t be there. My schedule and personal obligations didn’t allow me to fit this in, which is disappointing to me because I will have to wait another year to see many people I only see at this meeting. And a personal favorite event of mine is cheering on all the new CAEs which I will do from a distance.
The Ethics of Competition
When my company joined the ASAE CAE Approved Provider program in 2019, we were excited to offer one of the first ethics courses for nonprofit professionals created specifically to fulfill the new ethics requirement for CAE renewal. I personally felt adding an ethics requirement was a strong step forward for our profession so I showed my support by supporting the provider program.
AUDIO: Not a Clue
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting.
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter, "Rogue Speak." This week's topic “Not a Clue”.
Not a Clue
No matter how strong or “together” someone might seem, everyone has times in life when they haven’t got a clue. That’s right: the most capable and mature of us have times when they just have no idea what to do or how to deal. Focus can be lost, the road ahead looks crooked and there are no directional signs, and decision paralysis sets in.
AUDIO: From the Archives: Hire Older People!
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter, "Rogue Speak."
This week's topic: Hire Older People! This message was originally published on October 26, 2022 and is from the company archives.
From the Archives: Hire Older People!
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again: the obsession with hiring “the young” continues to get in the way of building generationally diverse teams in nonprofit organizations. Dear reader, you may think “obsession” is a bit strong for this topic, but I use it because I believe there are misconceptions about the abilities of “older people” when it comes to technology expertise, keeping up with trends, and being able to “relate to” younger people.