Going Rogue — The Blog

Association Management Fern Carbonell Association Management Fern Carbonell

The Bus Book – Knowledge is Power

Recently in ASAE Collaborate, I’ve seen the conversation again about “The Bus Book” scenario. I say again because this is an evergreen topic and we should all be thinking about it on a regular basis. The Bus Book, if you are not familiar with this term, is the book that SHOULD exist that contains all the information others will need if something happens to you like you get hit by a bus. Or you win the lottery. Or you take a new job. Or you retire.

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Societal issues Cecilia Sepp, CAE, ACNP Societal issues Cecilia Sepp, CAE, ACNP

Conference Accessibility: Time to Get Real

My name is Cecilia and I have a short-term disability. My disability is the result of an injury sustained in my daily life. The injury was painful and the impact on my activities of daily living (ADL) was immediate and far reaching. I spent 10 weeks on bedrest/no weight bearing on the left leg due to a tibial plateau fracture. My leg completely atrophied during this time and despite the fracture completely healing, I could not walk. I still have difficulty walking and need to use a mobility device to get around despite my improvement (I use a walker or a cane). 

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Association Management Fern Carbonell Association Management Fern Carbonell

Let Go of the Past to Win Hearts and Minds 

In a previous post titled “Making Peace,” (September 23, 2023), I noted the following:
"After a time, the stubbornness becomes the goal, and we often forget WHY we are being so stubborn. Both parties will not give way in any shape or form. Old grievances are listed again and again as we are determined to prove that we are right and they are so very wrong."

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Association Management Fern Carbonell Association Management Fern Carbonell

Conference Accessibility Lounges: The Time is Now

If you subscribe to USAE News, you may have seen my September 3, 2024, guest column “The Unexpected and Accessibility: A Trip to a Cleveland Conference.” This article outlines my experience attending a conference in a wheelchair and using a walker as I recover from a broken leg. Anytime anyone loses mobility or needs accommodations for participation, it is a disability whether short-term or long-term.

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Wellbeing Fern Carbonell Wellbeing Fern Carbonell

Random Acts of Kindness at ASAE24

As regular readers of this newsletter, our blog, or my LinkedIn newsfeed know, I broke my leg in May and am continuing a lengthy recovery process. Getting around is still challenging as I cannot put a lot of weight on my leg yet. The bone is healed – the rest is rebuilding muscle strength.

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Societal issues Cecilia Sepp, CAE, ACNP Societal issues Cecilia Sepp, CAE, ACNP

What I Think About Climate Change

Climate change is on everyone’s mind – at least if they are paying attention – because we are seeing a lot of things change very quickly. Storms are more intense. Temperatures are more extreme. The physical environment is being impacted. Some scientists report that it is changing faster than ever seen in recorded history.

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Association Management Fern Carbonell Association Management Fern Carbonell

The Problem with DEI

This week’s message is based on my response to a discussion in the ASAE Collaborate Consultants community posted the week of July 15, 2024. The initial post by one of my colleagues addressed the issue of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) removing the “E” (equity) from their DEI program, leaving them with just “D&I” (diversity & inclusion).

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Association Management Cecilia Sepp, CAE, ACNP Association Management Cecilia Sepp, CAE, ACNP

Boards and Man-to-Man Defense

When I was growing up in St. Louis, MO, I played a lot of sports: basketball, volleyball, and softball in the Catholic Youth Council (CYC) league. Of all the sports, in the Catholic community at the time, basketball was the most important. It’s like Texas and football.

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