Going Rogue — The Blog
Dr. Manhattan, The Passage of Time, & Associations
The other day I was talking with my friend Michael Butera (who is one of our Rogue Tulips Expert Partners) about the overall state of the world, and we talked about the state of the nonprofit management profession. It seems to be stuck in a rut and holding onto the past rather than living in the world we are in now.
Sunsetting – It’s Good to Let Go with Purpose
We all hang on to things longer than we should. Whether it’s an emotional attachment, force of habit, or “that’s the way we’ve always done it,” humans love to keep things around that aren’t really useful any longer.
I Didn’t Like the “Barbie” Movie
Being from Missouri, I tend to be skeptical about movies, books, and television shows (to name a few cultural icons) that EVERYONE raves about endlessly. That list includes people too – when people go on and on about “how wonderful and awesome” So and So is, and how everyone “loves them” I know it should be questioned. Why? Because no one is universally loved, not even The Drake from the “Seinfeld” television series.
CAE and ACNP: A Unified Body of Knowledge & a Unified Profession
I earned the ASAE Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation in 2015. It took ten years of waiting because the CAE Commission didn’t allow Consultants to take the exam in previous decades; they decided to change that rule in 2014, which meant the May 2015 exam was the first opportunity for consultants to give it a shot. I took that shot and I was one of the candidates who passed the first time.
Lies Technology Told Us: The Big Con
As regular readers know, I have written about my fascination with con artists (“Lessons from the Long Con”, April 1, 2022). The reason con artists interest me is that I don’t understand why people fall for it. But I’m from Missouri; I’m a born skeptic so if it sounds too good to be true, I KNOW it is.
The Value of Women
On October 5, 2023, I posted a message titled, “Muted Voices” about the difficulty women have in being heard about, well, pretty much anything. This is a phenomenon that is a global issue that affects all of us. I stated in “Muted Voices,” “There is a lot of frustration for women who work to be heard but instead are ignored, diminished, and dismissed.” It happens to all of us, no matter how strong, independent, or intelligent we are.
ALL 501c Organizations are Nonprofit
Why do we have the nonprofit status in the United States? Because 501c organizations serve a unique and valuable service to society by providing representation of professions and industries, charitable activities, education, and other services that improve the lives of people.
AUDIO: The Reason We Celebrate
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: The Reason We Celebrate
The Reason We Celebrate
I like to call this time of year the “Winter Holiday Season” because there are so many holidays, both religious and secular, this time of year. As I wind down before my holiday break, I have been pondering why humans celebrate anything and everything. What is the need to point out that something special happened, or is happening, or will happen? From births to weddings to seasonal activities to new jobs, we celebrate. And sometimes when things go wrong, we gather to commiserate.
AWTC: Doing it Right
This week I wanted to give a shout out to the leaders at the Association Women Technology Champions (AWTC) for their stupendous job putting on a one-day conference December 6, 2023 in Arlington, VA. This 501c3 organization emphasizes opportunities for women and provides a space for us to meet, connect, and lift each other up.
Audio: Is ASAE Becoming Like Cable TV?
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: Is ASAE Becoming Like Cable TV?
Is ASAE Becoming Like Cable TV?
Like many people, I have a cable television subscription. Comcast, while the bane of my existence when it comes to customer service, provides me access to hundreds of channels that include local stations, premium channels, and basic cable channels. Out of the hundreds of channels available, I probably watch less than 10% of the options. But I have the options and can explore many areas of the service. My account includes all of these choices if I use them or not.
AUDIO: The Social Contract
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: The Social Contract
The Social Contract
Years ago, I was at a conference that likely was sponsored by ASAE but to be honest, the fog of memory clouds my vision. I do remember that it was the early era of online connecting because we were talking about online bulletin boards. Yes, dear reader, there was a bygone era when we didn’t have online communities where we could participate in real time.
AUDIO: Chapter Structures Continue to Frustrate Associations – So Let them Go
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: Chapter Structures Continue to Frustrate Associations – So Let them Go
Chapter Structures Continue to Frustrate Associations – So Let them Go
I am a Component Relations Professional (CRP) at heart having served as one earlier in my career for over 15 years at several organizations. Working with the local groups and members was a rewarding and sometimes challenging experience. I learned a lot and I believe it helped the organizations where I worked thrive.
AUDIO: Too MANY Files – Why we need Knowledge Management
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: Empty Files – Why we need Knowledge Management
Too MANY Files – Why we need Knowledge Management
Last week, I wrote about my experiences starting a job with no files, no procedures, and no processes in place. My predecessor took all the knowledge with her and didn’t leave anything behind. But then I heard from a reader who reported the OPPOSITE end of the spectrum: starting a job with too many files and pieces of paper that haven’t been organized in any useful way.
AUDIO: Empty Files – Why we need Knowledge Management
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: Empty Files – Why we need Knowledge Management
Empty Files – Why we need Knowledge Management
When I started my job at the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, I was excited for this new opportunity. My position was Director of Board of Governors & Society Relations which meant I worked directly with all the local and state otolaryngology groups.