Going Rogue — The Blog
AUDIO: Equity and the CAE Exam - One Size Does Not Fit All
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. This episode: the author reads her weekly Rogue Speak message.
Equity and the CAE Exam: One Option Does Not Fit All
We are about three weeks away from the CAE Exam period for May 2023, and the excitement is building. While there is always some tension and sometimes stress in prepping for the CAE Exam, there is a lot of energy in the community as our nonprofit management colleagues demonstrate their commitment to their profession.
AWTC Celebrates Association Women
As we near the end of the first quarter of 2023, AWTC is gearing up for its annual awards ceremony where they recognize women in associations making a difference with technology.
What I Learned from the CNP Program
Last Saturday, I completed the course work for the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) credential -- which focuses solely on 501c3 organizations -- by successfully passing the exam. I became interested in this credential when I saw a colleague’s post on LinkedIn about her accomplishment of earning their Advanced CNP credential.
AUDIO: What I Learned from the CNP Program
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. This episode: the author reads her weekly Rogue Speak message.
How Many Emails is Too Many?
I recently saw a posting on ASAE’s Collaborate seeking input on how to manage email messages. The community member noted that they have “too many emails” and shared some of their big ideas on how to manage it for their company-based membership organization.
AUDIO: How Many Emails is Too Many?
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. This episode: the author reads her weekly Rogue Speak message.
A Tale of Two Boards
There are many takes and variations on Charles Dickens’ classic novel A Tale of Two Cities set around and during the French Revolution. It has (in my opinion) one of the best opening lines ever: “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” This describes life at any given moment here on Planet Earth which demonstrates how insightful Dickens was about the human condition.
AUDIO: A Tale of Two Boards
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. This episode: the author reads her weekly Rogue Speak message.
AUDIO: Who’s the Tool?
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. This episode: the author reads her weekly Rogue Speak message.
Who’s the Tool?
Everyone is talking about ChatGPT and how it's going to change the world and maybe even break capitalism. Being from Missouri, I have to say I'm a skeptic. Lots of new tools come along and we think it's the best thing since sliced bread or Betty White, depending on your opinion. I like to take my time getting to learn about new tools and products to see what they do and if they actually are going to make things easier or better. This does not make me a Luddite -- it just makes me a person who's had some experience in life.
AUDIO: The February Funk
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. This episode: the author reads her weekly Rogue Speak message.
The February Funk
It doesn’t happen every year, but this year it’s hitting me: The February Funk. You may know what I’m talking about: it’s not really winter any longer, but it’s not yet spring. The winter holidays are a somewhat distant memory. The weather tends to be dreary. Cloudy, Rainy, Bone chilling winds.
AUDIO: A Conversation in the Kitchen: Tsk, Tsk, So Many Tasks!
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. This episode: the author reads her weekly Rogue Speak message.
A Conversation in the Kitchen: Tsk, Tsk, So Many Tasks!
Yesterday morning, my husband was in the kitchen emptying the dishwasher. When I walked in he said, “I have to hurry – I have a zoom meeting in a few minutes.” I replied, “Then why are you emptying the dishwasher? That can wait; that’s why you group tasks.” He replied, “I’m trying to do my part. See, I’m emptying the dishwasher while I’m boiling water for tea . . .” To which I retorted, “that’s not task grouping that’s multitasking, and that’s active multitasking as opposed to passive multitasking.”
The Totality of a Person’s Experience
Recently, I completed the University of South Florida (USF) DEI Certificate program. If you haven’t heard about it, the USF program was one of the first ones in the United States developed in response to the social upheaval of the early 2020s that was partly related to a lot of hidden tensions rising to the surface as power structures shifted. We started talking openly about things that in the past were left unsaid or discussed in hushed tones privately.
AUDIO: The Case for a Tiered-CAE Program
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. This episode: the author reads her weekly Rogue Speak message.
The Case for a Tiered-CAE Program
Last week, the CAE Exam results for December 2022 were released. There were many happy individuals who not only celebrated but breathed a sigh of relief! The waiting is over and all the hard work paid off.
AUDIO: When Board Members Go Bad!
Radio Free 501c is the audio version of the Rogue Speak message published weekly by Rogue Tulips Consulting.
When Board Members Go Bad!
We’ve all seen it. Someone who presents well, is articulate, and shows enthusiasm for the organization (meaning they have participated and contributed), gets appointed or elected to the Board of Directors. Everyone has high hopes for this individual and looks forward to their tenure. Then, like the story of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” they become a completely different person than you expected. Their behavior is passive-aggressive. They are obstacles to forward movement.