CAE Practice Exam - PART 2


Purchase Part 2 with 100 questions $80

After purchase, you will receive (1) a confirmation email that you registered for access to the exam; and (2) an email with information on accessing it online. After you complete each section, you will receive a copy of your responses and an answer key for use as a study tool. You’ll have one-time access to the exam.

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Purchase Part 2 with 100 questions $80

After purchase, you will receive (1) a confirmation email that you registered for access to the exam; and (2) an email with information on accessing it online. After you complete each section, you will receive a copy of your responses and an answer key for use as a study tool. You’ll have one-time access to the exam.

Purchase Part 2 with 100 questions $80

After purchase, you will receive (1) a confirmation email that you registered for access to the exam; and (2) an email with information on accessing it online. After you complete each section, you will receive a copy of your responses and an answer key for use as a study tool. You’ll have one-time access to the exam.