
Adaptive Leadership with Michael Butera and Cheryl Ronk

In a novel of an incredibly disruptive time, the French Revolution, Charles Dickens wrote "A Tale of Two Cities," and he started the story with: "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times." It is a story of disruption -- just like the era in which we live today. The 21st century is just about 25 years old -- it's time to change the way you lead. How can we do our best in a changing world? In this episode, I talk with Michael Butera of Association Activision and Cheryl Ronk, CAE, of SoRight LLC about the importance of Adaptive Leadership and how it helps you Define Your Impact. We discuss purposeful evolution in real time, intentional agility in a disruptive environment, and making the most of the patterns and differences affecting your organization. We all agree that adaptation is the new super power! What do you think? Share a comment!

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