Going Rogue — The Blog
Harassment, Brick Walls, & Apathy: How NOT to treat Members, Clients, or Customers
Customer service (also known as client service or member service) is what sets apart any company or organization that is committed to excellence. While all organizations need to earn money to survive, that cannot be the only driver when it comes to serving the people who use your products or services. Think about the best experiences you have with any organization providing you with a service: it almost always comes down to how helpful, informed, and service-oriented the representatives are.
AUDIO: A Conversation in the Kitchen: Tsk, Tsk, So Many Tasks!
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. This episode: the author reads her weekly Rogue Speak message.
A Conversation in the Kitchen: Tsk, Tsk, So Many Tasks!
Yesterday morning, my husband was in the kitchen emptying the dishwasher. When I walked in he said, “I have to hurry – I have a zoom meeting in a few minutes.” I replied, “Then why are you emptying the dishwasher? That can wait; that’s why you group tasks.” He replied, “I’m trying to do my part. See, I’m emptying the dishwasher while I’m boiling water for tea . . .” To which I retorted, “that’s not task grouping that’s multitasking, and that’s active multitasking as opposed to passive multitasking.”
AUDIO: Ethics Matter to our Profession
Radio Free 501c is the audio version of the Rogue Speak message published weekly by Rogue Tulips Consulting.
Ethics Matter to our Profession
ASAE has Standards of Conduct for members, and at the August 2022 ASAE Board meeting, the organization even added a new one. These are not aspirational, meaning they are not something you “try to do.” These are the Standards of Conduct we should use and model in our daily lives and so we should use these to the best of our ability. It demonstrates to the world that we are a profession that should be taken seriously because we take ourselves and our work seriously.
COMMENTARY: Organizations Are Made of People
In the dystopian 1970s film, “Soylent Green,” [spoiler alert] soylent green is a food product that is distributed by the evil corporation that runs the United States. Charlton Heston plays a detective who learns the truth about the food product: It’s made of people! That’s right: The only food product left on a dying planet is people.
No One Does it Alone
One of the things that bothers me about the Khardashianization of society (whew – try saying THAT 3 times fast) is that it overlooks how many people are part of the success of an individual. While so many are distracted by the celebrity of one person, no one accomplishes anything by themselves.
Hire Older People – if they have the CAE or Not!
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again: the obsession with hiring “the young” continues to get in the way of building generationally diverse teams in nonprofit organizations. Dear reader, you may think “obsession” is a bit strong for this topic, but I use it because I believe there are misconceptions about the abilities of “older people” when it comes to technology expertise, keeping up with trends, and being able to “relate to” younger people.
30-Year-Old Conversations
We’ve all heard of déjà vu, that feeling of “haven’t I been here before? Heard that before? Done this before?” When it comes to the conversations people have with each other, we tend to talk about the same things over and over. I was reminded of this yesterday when I participated in a networking group discussion that turned to the “world of telework.”
COMMENTARY: Are we Elevating our Profession? Or Just Ourselves?
The nonprofit profession is supposed to have a higher calling. It’s why many of us chose this profession for our career, and why others move into this profession later in life when they realize they want to do something good for society and the world.
COMMENTARY: The Greatest Show on Earth | Are you Good Circus?
One of the most entertaining films of the 1950s is a Cecil B. DeMille production: “The Greatest Show on Earth.” Starring Charlton Heston, Betty Hutton, Jimmy Stewart, and acts from the Ringling Brothers-Barnum & Baily Circus, it is a melodramatic tale of a season in the circus’ life.
The Long Shadow of Member Fees for Applying or Being “Late”
Like the line in the movie “Jaws” says: “Just when you think it’s safe to go back in the water . . .”
The 21st century is a wondrous age unlike any before. We can travel the globe in a matter of hours. We can talk to and see each other in real time using handheld devices. Individuals are realizing and exercising their power to create their own lives. We have embraced the power of choice and we are redefining what success means.
Sensitive Meeting Planning
It was brought to my attention by a group of colleagues that digitalNow, considered one of the flagship nonprofit management meetings, is scheduled on Yom Kippur this year. For those not familiar with Yom Kippur, it is arguably the most important religious holiday in Judaism. It is the Day of Atonement in which individuals seek to make up for their transgressions and sins. For those who practice the Jewish faith, it is a day that cannot be skipped or double-booked.
The Entrepreneurial Spirit Supports Nonprofits
When I was a child, I lived in a neighborhood with a lot of other kids around my age. Being from working class families, we had to earn our extra spending money (the candy and comic books didn’t pay for themselves!) so we were always looking for ways to earn some cash.
Rogue Chapters!
This week in ASAE’s Collaborate Component Relations community, the topic of Rogue Chapters was discussed. Being a company that is familiar with the concept of “rogueness,” I’d like to offer my take on this situation.
Is your Chapter System Really That Bad?
This year, there is a lot of talk in the association community about modernizing the chapter system. It comes from a lot of areas: outdated ways of delivering services locally, governance systems that no longer serve the members, and draconian requirements to maintain chapter or affiliate status that create unpaid staff positions for volunteers.
Compensation is a Reflection of your Organization
Many times, when people consider compensation, they think hourly wages or salary. Money is an important part of compensation, but it is not the only measure of performance and experience, nor should it be the only reward. I specifically mention performance and experience because these are two important factors in determining compensation (and rewards!) for employees at any level in your organization.
Re-Imagining Chapter Systems | A Conversation
On May 24, 2022, the ASAE Component Relations and Volunteer Management Council held its monthly “Crunch & Munch” discussion focused on the topic of modernizing and updating the current association chapter model. I was excited to be invited to the discussion which was inspired by several Rogue Speak articles I wrote on this topic. The Council leadership was well-represented by Cheryl Goldsby, Steve Idzikowski, and Jessica Irizarry.
Chapter Models: Bylaws and Boards and Bank Accounts – Oh My!
In my last article, “Is Your Chapter System from another Century?”, I outlined the argument that the “mini-me” structure of chapters needs to be done away with in favor of a more agile, modern system based on the way we live now.
Is Your Chapter System From Another Century?
If you are a membership association, you are familiar with chapters even if you don’t have them as part of your organization. Chapters can be great ways to offer regular engagement for your members locally or regionally, and it keeps the association “top of mind” in between national conferences.