Going Rogue — The Blog
Critical Thinking for Nonprofit Professionals
In last week’s edition of Rogue Speak, I wrote about the dangers of outdated thinking in reference to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia. In that article, I outlined what I saw as the problems with Vladimir Putin’s thought process. In my opinion, he has a lot of them.
Is It Time for a Staff Compensation Study?
By this point, we’ve all heard the term “The Great Resignation.” The influence of the lockdown on lifestyle and mindsets brought people to a place where they re-evaluated their personal happiness index. [Learn more about The World Happiness Report here] This led to many individuals in 2021 leaving their current positions – and at times leaving their employer in a lurch – to pursue other options.
From the Archives | 5 Basic Rules for Member Service
There are a few basic rules of member service that all associations should keep in mind. No matter the size of your budget or staff, what counts is how your members feel at the end of an interaction with the organization.
What is your Award Program Really Recognizing?
It’s late summer so that means it’s individual award season again in the nonprofit community. As associations look forward to their annual conferences, Awards Committees are formed. Nominations are announced. Sometimes self-nominations are encouraged. Deadlines are extended to make sure there are candidates to review.
Are there too many Nonprofits?
When you bandy about the word nonprofit, many people think of foundations or charities. For some reason, even in our own profession of nonprofit management, there are people who think associations are different from nonprofits.
Ethics To Go!
The 501c League offers an insightful and thought-provoking ethics course that is designed for professionals in the nonprofit profession. It demonstrates our commitment to supporting ethical development within our profession, which protects the integrity of what we do.
The Mother Science
“When citizens can associate only in certain cases, they regard association as a rare and singular process, and they hardly think of it. When you allow them to associate freely in everything, they end up seeing in association the universal and, so to speak, unique means that men can use to attain the various ends that they propose. Each new need immediately awakens the idea of association. The art of association then becomes, . . ., the mother science; everyone studies it and applies it.”
The Designation is Not the Destination
Here at the League we often talk about the CAE journey; sometimes that journey is longer to earn the designation than for others, but it is in the process of preparation for the CAE exam that we develop our skills and hone our knowledge. We learn about ourselves and find our strengths. During this process, we meet new people and make new connections.
Our Profession Matters
There is an old joke in the Association management profession that after decades doing our jobs, we are still explaining to our family what we do for a living. While I love this joke it also gives me pause.
First Do No Harm: Creating an Ethical Mindset
Dictionary.com defines ethics as “moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity, [e.g.] medical ethics also enter into the question.” Making decisions that affect the organization you serve as a board member requires the application of ethics within that activity as well.
Diversity / Equity / Inclusion: Speak Up!
It's an audio blog! To support Diversity/Equity/Inclusion - speak up! Use these three questions to find your voice. It's too important not to act.
The Monopoly Game
It's an audio blog! What impact could consolidation of services and products have on choice for nonprofit organizations?
Why 501c Organizations Need to Change their Approach with Corporate Sponsors
All types of 501(c) organizations – including associations, association foundations, and charitable organizations – seek to maximize their relationships with corporate sponsors and partners.
10 Strategies to Help Ensure Your Corporate Partnership Program is Successful
All types of 501(c) organizations – including associations, association foundations, and charitable organizations – seek to maximize their relationships with corporate sponsors and partners.
How Do 501c Organizations Benefit by Having Corporate Partners? Let me Count the Ways
When I ask associations and not-for-profit organizations why they have corporate partners, the first answer is always “revenue”. When pressed, I get answers like “swag” or “bling” at our conference and maybe something about faculty at conference sessions.