The League Loves Certified Association Executives (CAEs)😊

As I write this, I’m heading back from ASAE22 in Nashville, TN. It’s a great town with friendly people. Some of them are a little too friendly (I’m talking about YOU girl twerking on the party bus). Things have changed in Nashville as it grows and continues to add interesting and fun things to do while serving conferences and conventions with increased services.

Growth is an important thing, and it can be uncomfortable. But if we stay where we are, we stagnate. That’s why the future of our profession depends on a true commitment to being the best we can be while serving society through supporting 501c organizations of all types. The CAE designation provides an important pathway to professional growth and to promoting our profession as a “real” job.

Rogue Tulips Consulting’s education program, The 501c League, is here to support aspiring and current CAEs. Whether you are a CAE Candidate or a current CAE, we offer education that will make you think and inspire you to learn more.

Our courses and study groups create community and grow networks. Many people in our study groups become friends and stay connected. As an official CAE Provider, we take our commitment to elevating our profession seriously. We also take seriously the requirements of being a CAE provider: we award CAE credit for real-time participation; we track your participation and maintain a historical record; and we send all course and study group participants a certificate noting when they participated and how many hours they earn. (And if you misplace it, we are happy to send you another one!)

While we can’t guarantee you will pass the CAE Exam, we CAN guarantee we will be there every step of the way. The League stands apart because we care.

Check out our offerings online at, or check out the listings in this newsletter. Not sure where to start or what to do next? Contact Cecilia Sepp via email to schedule a call: or


My Opinion about CAE recognition at ASAE22:

Despite the lackluster recognition of CAEs at this particular conference, I was reminded that many professionals in our space value the CAE, whether they have it or not. They see it as supporting their own growth as nonprofit professionals as they build their career. It is a sign of commitment to professionalism and self-development.

I tried to be supportive of what ASAE decided to do for CAEs at this meeting. However, I found the recognition and celebration of new CAEs to be disappointing, thoughtless, and dismissive – everyone was on stage EXCEPT new CAEs who got to stand for maybe 10 seconds at the awards lunch – (and whoever came up with the idea for that ridiculous cartoon, I’d love to share my thoughts with you). I’d also like to know when Travel Scholarships became more important than celebrating the future of our profession. Showing up is only part of it; the new CAEs PERFORMED.

Let’s hope that next time, ASAE will demonstrate that they value the people who make up the profession they are supposed to serve. 

Cecilia Sepp, CAE, ACNP

Cecilia Sepp is a recognized authority in nonprofit organization management and a leader who translates vision into action.

Her company, Rogue Tulips Consulting, works with nonprofit organizations in the areas of executive leadership services, mentorship programs and education, content development/communications, and staff compensation studies.

She is the author of Association Chapter Systems: From Frustrating to Fruitful, a book about chapters, relationship management, governance, and new thinking for the future of associations.

Her blog, “Going Rogue,” addresses the spectrum of nonprofit management issues as well as societal quandaries.

She is the producer and host of “Radio Free 501c,” a weekly podcast for the nonprofit community that discusses issues of importance affecting everyone in the 501c world.

Her passion for the profession of nonprofit management led her to create an education program, Rogue Tulips Education, to support nonprofit management executives in their professional development.

Cecilia earned the Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation in 2015, and the Advanced Certified Nonprofit Professional (ACNP) designation in 2023. She was recognized by Association Women Technology Champions (AWTC) as a 2022 AWTC Champion

The Long Shadow of Member Fees for Applying or Being “Late”


Celebrating CAEs at ASAE Annual!