Celebrating CAEs at ASAE Annual!

ASAE’s 2022 Annual Meeting starts on Saturday, August 19. There is always a lot going on but one of the highlights is recognition of the new class of CAEs, which happens at the Tuesday Awards Luncheon.

This year, there is a lot of disappointment (to say the least) for new CAEs because they do not get to walk the stage. I must say I am disappointed too because I know how hard it is to earn the CAE, and I see in our courses and study groups dedicated professionals learning the content and the importance of the CAE. It’s a very emotional time – you work hard for a long time to study and prepare to take the CAE Exam. One of the things that you daydream about is your time to walk across the stage.

This year, it is not happening. CAEs do not get to walk across the stage and shake hands with the ASAE CEO, Michelle Mason, and receive their pin. This is the event that shows that you made it. Everyone sees you; you are recognized; you are feted!

But it’s not to be this year. While ASAE made this decision because of the Awards Luncheon schedule and the number of new CAEs attending from the 2020, 2021, and May 2022 cohorts, it is a bitter pill to swallow.

ASAE did not do this to send any type of negative message, but it still hurts.

However, there are a lot of fun things happening for CAEs outside of the Awards Luncheon. It may not be what it has been in the past, but I hope everyone will embrace all the fun and attention new CAEs receive from the beginning to the end of the meeting.

Liz Santana, CAE, the current CAE Commission Chair, will be in the CAE area of the Hub to shake hands, offer congratulations, and pose for photos with our new CAEs. This is also where new CAEs can pick up their pins to wear proudly throughout the meeting.

A fun addition is a photo booth for new CAEs – the film is on ASAE so snap away with your study buddies!

Tickets are available for friends and family to attend the Awards Luncheon; talk with the Registration staff to purchase your tickets. CAEs will be recognized at the lunch, just not on stage.

The 501c League is sharing stickers to congratulate and promote new CAEs. These stickers are for new CAEs, current CAEs or anyone who wants to celebrate CAEs! I will have them onsite and share throughout the Annual Meeting.

If you are attending ASAE22, and you see someone wearing a new CAE ribbon or pin, make sure to stop, congratulate them, and share the excitement of this important accomplishment. The real love is not found on stage; it’s found with the members of our community.

Cecilia Sepp, CAE, ACNP

Cecilia Sepp is a recognized authority in nonprofit organization management and a leader who translates vision into action.

Her company, Rogue Tulips Consulting, works with nonprofit organizations in the areas of executive leadership services, mentorship programs and education, content development/communications, and staff compensation studies.

She is the author of Association Chapter Systems: From Frustrating to Fruitful, a book about chapters, relationship management, governance, and new thinking for the future of associations.

Her blog, “Going Rogue,” addresses the spectrum of nonprofit management issues as well as societal quandaries.

She is the producer and host of “Radio Free 501c,” a weekly podcast for the nonprofit community that discusses issues of importance affecting everyone in the 501c world.

Her passion for the profession of nonprofit management led her to create an education program, Rogue Tulips Education, to support nonprofit management executives in their professional development.

Cecilia earned the Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation in 2015, and the Advanced Certified Nonprofit Professional (ACNP) designation in 2023. She was recognized by Association Women Technology Champions (AWTC) as a 2022 AWTC Champion


The League Loves Certified Association Executives (CAEs)😊


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