Going Rogue — The Blog
AUDIO: Happy Fifth Anniversary Rogue Tulips Consulting!
The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter "Rogue Speak."
This week's message: Happy Fifth Anniversary Rogue Tulips Consulting!
Happy Fifth Anniversary Rogue Tulips Consulting!
This is a year of milestones for me professionally as I noted in a message earlier this year (“Musings on Milestones”). On September 18, 2018, I filed the incorporation papers to form Rogue Tulips LLC. The public name for marketing has evolved over the years from Rogue Tulips LLC to Rogue Tulips Nonprofit Consulting & Association Management Services, to our much shorter and easier to say name Rogue Tulips Consulting.
AUDIO: Musings on Milestones
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter, Rogue Speak. This week's topic is: Musings on Milestones.
Musings on Milestones
This year is a big year for milestones for me and my company. Like many journeys, you don’t realize how far you have come until you look back and see that you are a long way from where you started. In 2018, I launched my consulting company, Rogue Tulips Consulting, which means this year is the 5th anniversary. Wow! And that 5-year period includes the pandemic lockdown which sent my company back to day one (like a lot of solopreneurs). It was tough and discouraging but I’m still here. September 18, 2023 is the anniversary of the day that I filed the incorporation papers and so far, so good.
AUDIO: Harassment, Brick Walls, & Apathy: How NOT to treat Members, Clients, or Customers
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter, Rogue Speak. This week's topic is: Harassment, Brick Walls, & Apathy: How NOT to treat Members, Clients, or Customers.
Harassment, Brick Walls, & Apathy: How NOT to treat Members, Clients, or Customers
Customer service (also known as client service or member service) is what sets apart any company or organization that is committed to excellence. While all organizations need to earn money to survive, that cannot be the only driver when it comes to serving the people who use your products or services. Think about the best experiences you have with any organization providing you with a service: it almost always comes down to how helpful, informed, and service-oriented the representatives are.
AUDIO: Don’t Even Get Me Started . . . Things on My Mind
Radio Free 501c is the voice of Rogue Tulips Consulting. The author reads her weekly message from the Rogue Tulips Consulting newsletter, "Rogue Speak." This week's topic is: Don't Even Get Me Started . . . Things On My Mind 1. Harassment Marketing 2. Women Not Speaking Up 3. Anti-Consultant Bias.
Don’t Even Get Me Started . . . Things on My Mind
We all have them. Topics and issues that you don’t EVEN want to get started on because you will go on. And on. And on. Usually, these topics are emotionally charged or just plain frustrating because there doesn’t seem to be any resolution in sight. For example, when it comes to driving: Why don’t people use their turn signals? Was there a strange EMP (electromagnetic pulse) that ONLY affected cars turn signals making them non-functional?