Policy Statements

Credit Card Use & Accrual/Use of Credit Card Points
In conducting business on behalf of the association, the association's credit card should be used.

 Points Ownership
Any points earned through the use of the association credit card will be the property of the association for its use in paying down the balance (e.g., American Express), supporting travel for staff and leadership, or obtaining reward items (e.g., products or services) through a credit card rewards program.

Points belonging to the association will be used for purchases only with the approval of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or Chief Staff Executive (CSE).

Pre-Approval and Reimbursement

Should a staff member or volunteer leader use their personal credit card for association business, any credit card points earned will belong to the owner of the credit card.

For Board members, such purchases require pre-approval by the CFO or CSE. For employees, pre-approval may be provided by the direct supervisor in addition to the CFO or CSE.

If there is not a pre-authorization for a purchase with a personal credit card, then the employee or Board member will not be reimbursed.

If there are extenuating circumstances the reimbursement will be judged on a case by case basis. Extenuating circumstances will be determined by the association.

The 501c League Policy Statement: Credit card points and use policy
December 2019