League Laurels

League Laurel Its a party.jpeg

Do you know someone in the nonprofit profession you would like to recognize for their personal contributions and dedication to their colleagues or the profession?

Maybe they shared a policy with you; maybe they answered a question; maybe they mentor others – whatever it might be, we all know that it takes lots of small contributions and actions to make a great profession.

We at the League want to recognize those people who contribute so much to our profession but may not be recognized for it.

How will we do that? Glad you asked . . .

Those who are recognized with League Laurels will be publicly honored and thanked on social media. We will create a message that they can share (if they want to) but you will also get a copy of the message so you can tell everyone about your colleague’s contributions.

But, wait – there’s more!

We will create a page on our website that continues to honor these individuals who do so much to make our profession great. Consider it the League Laurels Hall of Heroes.

And OF COURSE we will send them a beautiful digital certificate letting them know that someone recognized their wonderful contribution to the nonprofit profession.

We all know people who are the Unsung Heroes of our profession. Let’s start singing their stories today!

How do you nominate someone for recognition? That’s easy.

Send an email to CeciliaSeppCAE@the501cleague.net with the following information:

1.     Add SUBJECT LINE: League Laurels should go to . . .

2.     Nominee’s name, organization, and email

3.     What did they do that made you say, “hey, they deserve public kudos”? (Be specific, please.)

4.     How do you know this person? (e.g., friend, colleague, mentor, boss, etc.)

5.     Can we use your name when contacting the nominee?

6.     And don’t forget YOUR name, organization, and email

Nominations can be made at any time throughout the year.

Questions? Contact Cecilia Sepp at the email above. Thanks!