Session 2
Domain 7: Advocacy
Complete the quiz before moving on to Module 3. Enter the password provided below to access the quiz
Password: AchieveQuiz2
Session 4
Domain 1: Governance
Complete the quiz before moving on to Module 5. Enter the password provided below to access the quiz
Password: LeagueQuiz4
Session 6
Domain 8: Marketing and Communications
Complete the quiz before moving on to Module 7. Enter the password provided below to access the quiz
Password: RogueQuiz6
Session 8
Domain 4: Operations
Complete the quiz before moving on to Module 9. Enter the password provided below to access the quiz
Password: TulipsQuiz8
Congratulations! You’ve completed the
501c Prime On-Demand Course.
You’ll receive a copy of your CE Certificate by email.
501c Refresh On-Demand Videos
Place introductory text and instructions here.
Course Outline (link)
Session 1
Download the slide deck
Complete the quiz before moving on to Module 2. Enter the password provided below to access the quiz
Password: TBD
Session 3
Domain 3: Organizational Strategy
Complete the quiz before moving on to Module 4. Enter the password provided below to access the quiz
Password: LeagueQuiz3
Session 5
Domain 6: Member and Stakeholder Engagement and Management
Complete the quiz before moving on to Module 6. Enter the password provided below to access the quiz
Password: RogueQuiz5
Session 7
Domain 5: Business Development
Complete the quiz before moving on to Module 8. Enter the password provided below to access the quiz
Password: TulipsQuiz7
Session 9
Domain 2: Executive Leadership
Complete the quiz. Enter the password provided below to access the quiz
Password: LeadWellQuiz9